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How I Met Your Mother Season 6 DVD Info

I love DVD covers. Not sure why but I love seeing what a good graphic artist puts together to brand DVDs. Not that you all care about that…but what you may care about is that How I Met Your Mother Season 6 will be officially released on DVD on September 27, 2011!...

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What Ted Tells His Kids

Nothing new for the moment, but a wonderful friend of mine sent this. Enjoy… and reflect on how sad and true this is.

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beawesomeinstead hearts WGNA

So because I'm a worthless slacker, I never told you all how my trip to New York courtesy of WGNA went. Furthermore, I won't say much other than the people at WGNA are amazing! It was extremely cool that even I could feel like a celebrity for even a brief moment. The...

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Purple Giraffe–Season 1 Episode 2

     Well I hope you all are enjoying rewatching Season 1 of HIMYM this summer. I’ll try to keep these better paced. I’m still struggling with the new format of including video reviews, but I’ll try things out and hopefully it will come together. I...

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How It All Began – HIMYM Pilot – Season 1 Episode 1

Kids, I’m gonna tell you an incredible story, the story of how I met your mother ~Future Ted So as many of you know, I didn’t start recapping HIMYM until Season 4 (ref. Woo Girls) and because of that I’ve always felt that is incomplete. The thing...

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Challenge Accepted – Season 6 Finale

A man can do a lot of living in three hours. So I’m out experiencing this beautiful, crazy dance called life. ~Marshall How I Met Your Mother Music Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp by George Harrison – Ted pushes the button, Lily gives the news & Barney has a...

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