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Disaster Averted – Season 7 Episode 9
Well, Life is ridiculous Lily! ~Marshall How I Met YOur Mother Music Hey by the Pixies (closing song during the cab ride and that “thing” that almost and then did happen) A Barney Adventure movie needs to happen. True Story. In fact, I wish all of his...
the Slutty Pumpkin Returns Discussion – s07e08
First off, that is not the slutty pumpkin. I dig the story line and all but didn't we see a flash of the slutty pumpkin in "the Leap" (see below)? I know it was never really confirmed but that's definitely what fans were thinking. Why make...
Noretta -s07e07
This was easily the creepiest How I Met Your Mother I’ve ever seen. However, it was pretty entertaining. It definitely wasn’t my favorite episode this season, but it wasn’t my least favorite either. Creepy-ful-ness…ish. I...
Mystery vs History – Season 7 Episode 6
If it's a choice between mystery and history, I want mystery. —Ted Mosby I've been pretty sick all day...but fortunately for you when I get sick, I stop being sick and be awesome instead. True Story. However, I really am hoping that you all...
October 13th Suit Up Day!
It's October 13th and it's gonna be Legen..... wait for it..... oh by the way, who's suiting up today? If you are we want to know about it! Leave your suited up photos in the comments or tweet us @bawesomeinstead What else can you do for International Suit Up Day?...
Field Trip – s07e05
Readers I’m going to tell you the story of how your web guru Aaron would be lost without me. Just kidding, kinda. Once again Jenniac here to share my initial thoughts and reactions about tonight’s episode – Field Trip. Today’s episode had individualized storylines,...