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The Stinson Missile Crisis – s07e04

    While tonight's episode of How I Met Your mother was great and funny, I really feel the best part’s had more to do with discoveries off then show than on. What am I talking about? If you haven't’ seen them yet check out:

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Ducky Tie – s07e03

How I Met Your Mother Music  Spit on a Stranger sung by Kathryn Williams ( episode closer…a great call back to Drumroll Please from Season 1. Then it was by Pavement, I’m not 100% on this but I think it’s Kathryn Williams) Sorry all, I had to work late tonight but my...

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The Naked Truth–s07e02

If you watched this live then at first glance, you might not know that The Best Man and The Naked Truth were two separate episodes, well except for the HUGE cliffhanger that HIMYM throws in at the end of the Season Premiere… With that said, let’s see what else there...

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The Best Man – s07e01 Season Premiere

I’m not really talking about the tie ~Barney It seems our wait for Season 7 is finally over. I’m not sure what everyone thought about the premiere but regardless of like or not, there were plenty of hook for the rest of the season. Let’s get down to it… How I Met Your...

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Neil Patrick Harris Gets Star On Walk Of Fame

Congrats to NPH who got a start on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Today… is it just me or is this an unintentional photobomb by Jason Segel? I love Segel in the back of this but it would have been hilarious to have Nathan Fillan photobomb the moment, intentional or...

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The Best Man Promo Photos

CBS has released some great promo photos for the How I Met Your Mother Season 7 Opener, titles “The Best Man”. If you are anything like me then you will love these and can hardly wait for September 19th! So, what do you think of these photos? What do you think they...

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