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Landmarks – Season 6 Episode 23 Discussion

Sometimes our day jobs are taxing and while I love How I Met Your Mother and I’ve gotta pay the mortgage and I have a meeting tonight. That’s bad news for me. The good news for you is that you get an amazing recap from HIMYM &...

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The Perfect Cocktail – Season 6 Episode 22

Kids, Don’t drink tequila. ~Ted The short of it is this, loved tonight and couldn’t quit laughing. Even more of these thoughts after I finish this beer, what are you drinking? I saw a lot that I liked tonight, but no worries I won’t do this post Lionel Ritchie style....

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Hopeless–Season 6 Episode 21

The party can’t go on forever ~Jerome Seemed a bit more serious tonight…possibly full of clues? I’ll say more after I finish watching this amazing rock opera about a yogurt shop…The opening of tonight was extremely strong. And the band spoof for the opening music was...

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The Exploding Meatball Sub Discussion – Season 6 Episode 20

Kids, some couples always support each other. And some couples always challenge each other. But is one really better than the other? Yes. ~Ted   Mother’s Music Sarah McLachlan –I will Remember You (Everyone’s high school goggles moments) Sorry I’m late tonight....

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The Exploding Meatball Sub Promo

So after another few weeks of How I Met Your Mother hiatus, thanks to some athletic event on tv, we're back. Looks like we get to see more of the Ted & Zoey story even though we all know where it's gonna end. Watch the promo, what do you expect from The Exploding...

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Not Even Ted Knows Who the Mother Is

Well, the title is misleading I admit...sorry. Either way, found a great AP video of Josh Radnor talkign about HIMYM running jokes, set's and not knowing who the mother is. Enjoy

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