Hey folks, Bro Jenn here – I’ve been recapping and live tweeting most of this season, but I will be busy finale night. Busy co-hosting a series finale watch party with a local bar. If you or anyone who know is in the DC area let them know about the...
Came across this on Buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/emilyorley/51-questions-how-i-met-your-mother-series-finale 1. What causes Ted to leave Farhampton the night of the wedding? 2. What causes the Mother to leave Farhampton the night of the wedding? 3. Why is Ted...
Tonight is our last regular episode not before the penultimate series finale. Like most episodes this season I am both thrilled, but not fully satisfied. Maybe it’s because of the finality of everything. After 9 years I want everything to be extraordinary, but...
Sorry for the delayed post kids. I spent St. Patrick’s Day in NYC..and woke up in a dumpster all thanks to a guy in a green suit. Kidding…maybe. Wednesday 8pm – 3 days after the wedding On their first date Ted tells Mother the story of Gary Blauman....
For a long time I’ve been obsessing over the use of purple in HIMYM. well turns out there is a whole Color Theory conspiracy. Here is little diagram, but it’s very interesting. Also there was some reference to Barney the Purple Dinosaur which is amusing....