We open with Ted and Mother with her cute preggo belly in a Farhampton Inn Hotel room in 2017 while Mother is in labor. The scene quickly transition back to “Present Day” which one tweeter argued isn’t really present day, since 2030 is technically present day in the...
Hola Amigos, Jenn here. I’m hopeful that now post-holidays we will be able to get back to our timely and regular recaps. Thanks for your patience. Fun episode tonight, but no story progression sadly. However I did enjoy seeing so much Marshall interaction with...
Jenn back in the driver’s seat tonight. Glad to see so many of you enjoyed my friend George’s episode last week! A great replacement minister for Barney and Robin’s wedding is James’s dad Sam aka Reverend Gibbs. Barney Dad, Jerry and his wife also arrive...
Jenn here to let you all know that this week’s episode is guaranteed to be PHENOMENAL. How can I guarantee this you ask? My college friend George Sloan is the lead writer for this week’s episode. George was the lead writer for Weekend at Barney’s...
Ok I’m going to change things up today. I’m going to take all the things I tweeted tonight and arrange them by “Recap” “Legendary Lines” ” Moments of Awesomeness” “Callback” “Re-Return”...