Thursdays Need Motivation – Motivation

Last weeks Motivational Poster (Patience) brought a great deal of traffic to BAI. Over 1200 hits in less than 24 hours. Thanks to all our visitors (hopefully returning) from StubmleUpon. And feel free to Stumble or Digg anything here. Even though this is a blatant...

Thursdays Need Motivation – Patience

Today’s poster comes from flickr user rgdaniel. I think work makes me feel like this quite often…I won’t name any names but they can guess who they are. The sentiment of this poster is truly awesome though. Enjoy and Happy Thursday. Here is a link to...

Thursdays Need Motivation – Survival

Often times in life, we need to be reminded that we really don’t have a clue what is going on. This reminds me a lot of…well pretty much anything I do. Not too sure where I found this one but if I come across a source I will post credit here. Enjoy and...

Thursdays need Motivation

Thursday is the day so close to the weekend that you can taste it, but not close enough to make it happen yet. Thursday is the day after “hump day” so you know the bulk of the week is over…but Thursday’s for me anyway, seem to drag… In...