I haven’t gotten to watch yet but comment away! I’m anxious to watch!
- How to Fight Loneliness by Wilco amazon) – Ted & Robin argue about signes from the universe in the rain, closing (
I haven’t gotten to watch yet but comment away! I’m anxious to watch!
Not that it really has to be said but major spoilers:
Overall it was a subpar episode IMO. There were a few funny moments between Robin’s dad and Barney but they stretched the laser tag bit on for way too long to the point where it was painful to watch. The Italy or triangle plot was likewise much longer than it had to be or should have been. We all knew the point was going to be Ted being afraid that them leaving was the end of the friendship, for gods’ sake, that must be the most overused plotline on HIMYM.
The only redeeming part of the story arc tonight was between Robin and Ted where Robin admitted to Ted that she was unsure about her and Barney. That was also, as far as I can remember, the closest thing they’ve had to a real conversation since Barney and Robin got engaged. There were a few funny bits though such as when she realized that her unable to connect to and emotionally distant fiance was just like her father who couldn’t connect emotionally.
Like so many of you I’m sure, I saw this coming 100 miles away. None the less I still audibly sighed when I saw Robin start to crumble. Listen people go crazy right before the get married (speaking as someone who was recently on the receiving end of a groom-to-be’s crazy). Ted should not fall into that. Robin and Barney make sense. Ted needs his own new love story- WE THE FANS – need this new love story. I liked Ted’s “you can’t cling to the past speech” – when will he learn.
I agree the laser tag went on WAY too long, but I did like Barney and Robin’s dad as Bros.
Ted/Lily/Marshall as Destiny Child – LOLZ
Burying “pee neatly because I am a lady” also hilarious
Soooo what’s going to happen to Lily and Marshall’s apartment? Does Ted move back in?
Also LOVED Ted’s face on the comment that “it’s already been established” (that he’s a girl) “the new news is that you’re a girl.”
Overall I enjoyed it.
Saw most of the plot points coming 100 miles away like most people probably did. Ted worried about the friendship between Lily and Marshall, Ted knowing what Robin meant by ‘It’s stupid’.
What I didn’t like was Barney and Robin Sr. I thought the lazer tag thing went on abit long. It’s nice that they brought it back as its been quite a while, but too long in my opinion, maybe just a bonding exercise between the characters, but I thought it could have been done better.
I like that Ted is now coming to his senses and isn’t ‘Universe Guy’ anymore – about time too, but the look at the end I really didn’t like. We know that there’s another Season, but I don’t think that plot line can be ‘fixed/explained’ in the finale of this season, and if they spend the season fixing it, It’ll be disappointing.
I think they should spend Season 9 fixing the unanswered questions; what does Barney do for a living? all the ‘we’ll come to that laters’ and of course…THE PINEAPPLE!
I´m getting really dissapointed at HIMYM. Things like this episode, for example, are a good reason for that. Make us wait for one week to see that? Just Unbeliveable
Those parts were extremely long for one reason. They had NOTHING to show in this episode, so they have to extend all the scenes at their maximum to reach 21 minutes
This was, and not much more, a “necessary” episode. But as somewhat of a hardcore fan I can´t help but to enjoy it anyway! Like some of you mentioned, there where glimpses of real moments between Ted and Robin, and I sure think that Teds speech about not clinging to the past because it´s already gone is a very distinct pointer that he won´t go after Robin again (even though they kind of want us to be unsure about it). The laser tag bonding was pretty fun to watch but it felt i bit, I dont know, sloppy.. That´s my 50 cents, peace out from Sweden!
I agree with this view… i love the show with all its good and not so good moments. Specially, here the way robin speaks of Ted when he shows up at central park…. Super. The moment and the way Lily asks, “Where’s the poop?”(for the umpteenth time) . Its simply lovely! I live for these scenes