Jenniac here once again filling in for our usual Master of Ceremonies because he’s moving to this hip new neighborhood called Dowisetrepla or something like that. Anyway enough about me, lets get to the show because there is A LOT to talk about.
The writers wasted NO time. I wasn’t ready for Robin to open the show as the narrator talking to her kids -the boy in a suit who looks like Barney and a girl is a spitting image of Robin. It was hard to pay attention to the smaller details on tonight’s episode because I was too busy trying to mentally process what had just happened in the open and then throughout the episode. For me this was the best episode since “The Naked Truth.”
I’ll get back to Robin and the kids, but let’s briefly talk about the other plotlines in this episode.
Marshall out on Long Island (or Lawnguyland as us who were born and raised there call it) decorating the house for Christmas. Also fun fact, East Meadow is a real town. I actually ran a half marathon there. What up! Marshall and his kid neighbor that took advantage of his naïve Midwestern ways and softness due to impending fatherhood. I would have loved to see Marshall final product including the Symphony of Illumination he was trying to do on the roof.
Lily was registering for items at We B Babies for her shower with the rest of the gang in tow. Nipple butter and vagina numbing cream – makes me want rethink motherhood one day. YUCK! At We B Babies we meet Insane Dwayne who was Barney’s former bro turned bedraggled father who married his one night stand that he picked up by only saying the word boner. Classic.
So Robin. Robin opens the episode telling her kids about the moment she told their father (Barney) she was pregnant. Typical Barney hijinx ensues along with some legendary lines (see below) and physical comedy. We also find out Robin and Kevin haven’t had sex yet. We very quickly find out that Robin isn’t pregnant which has me confused, but intrigued. Robin then basks in the glow of an empty uterus with alcohol, junk food and watching Teenage Mommies.
Robin gets called back to the doctor where she finds out she can’t have a baby and in true Robin fashion keeps everything to herself, however she imagines the gang’s reactions to the news. However Barney, Lily and Ted know something up. Ted as the roommate tries to cheer Robin up, but they fight which made me uncomfortable just watching.
Robin then goes on to talk as the narrator about how much better her life is since she couldn’t have kids which confuses me. Then she says, “if you want to know the truth of it, I’m glad you guys aren’t real.” AND THEY FADE AWAY. MIND BLOWN.
But wait, there’s more!
After a walk in the snow Robin goes back to the apartment where a Christmas display was set up. For a minute I thought it was Barney who set it up, but Ted appears. Ted’s over the top-ness was the blue orchestra and apartment full of roses all over again for me. It made me wish that Ted and Robin would have worked out, but it’s too late for them in my book. However Ted succeed at cheering Robin up.
We end the episode with Ted back as the narrator telling us about how Robin went on to be a famous journalist, successful businesswoman, a world traveler and even a bullfighter which a story for later (oh narrator Ted – you sir are a tease).
MOMENTS OF AWESOMENESS – This whole episode was a mix of awesomeness and WTFness.
- Robin’s faint over Barney’s fatherhood excitement.
- Barney’s pratfall.
- Scott eating a sandwich while Marshall watches from the roof in horror.
- Scott taking a picture of his ding dog with Marshall’s phone as blackmail.
- Marshall’s reference to him and his brothers wresting exhibitions which set the basement on fire due to their theatrics.
- Barney testing out the vagina numbing spray on his tongue.
The Re-Returns
- Big Fudge – that nickname never gets old for.
- The flashback to the day Ted and Barney met. Barney’s suit/tie combo was so tragic, as was Ted’s facial hair.
LEGENDARY LINES – As brilliant as the writing is, the cast just brings these lines so much to life!
- Barney: Are you sure you’re not just getting fat?
- Barney: So you’re pregnant, looks like nobody told your boobs.
- Barney: One iced tea in a rocks glass for MOMMY!
- Marshall: They rock so hard steam comes out of your brain as it melts.
- Barney: But as the baby’s gnawing on your bleeding nips, look what she’ll be wearing.
- Robin: Vagina numbing spray, apparently after childbirth your who-ha looks like Rocky Balboa’s face.
- Robin: Sucks to be you braces
- Lily: What about the one where you ski and shoot at the same time, that seems like something you’d be good at.
- Ted : Oh Can-a-dortbale.
- Ted : I know it’s not Canada, but it starts with a c and it’s cold as balls.
First Robin was wearing gross silk blouses, but now they had Lily in one. Luckily they each had a great jacket (Robin’s cream blazer and Lily’s mauve coat). What’s up costume department? What are you trying to tell us through these fashion choices?
Back to Robin imaging the reactions the gang would have had if she told them she couldn’t have kids. I’m pretty sure Barney would have been bummed for her and the possibility of him never becoming a father if Robin is indeed his future wife. Do you still think Robin is Barney’s bride?
When are we going to get another Ted-centric story line or episode?
Hit up the comments and follow me on twitter
Jenniac OUT!
Wow, that was a big fuck you to all the fans of HIMYM, even Ted trying to cheer Robin up at the end. Call it melodramatic if you want but that makes me not really want to watch the show anymore.
OMFG. I thought Ted was gonna say she WAS going to end up being a mother. My heart dropped a little when he said she wasn’t.
I actually thought that was a great episode. For a sitcom these guys have some great dramatic writing skills.
Also, I think it’s pretty clear Robin and Barney don’t end up together. Barney clearly wants to be a daddy at some point.
Wow, that was an emotional rollercoaster. Kudos to you writers for that.
Also, Ted’s cleveland facts were completely true.
Excuse me while I go listen to some AC/DC
Wow. I’m still trying to recover from all the emotions. Those twists and turns..
I was just waiting for Robin to explain how she got kids. And.. BAAM. Those explanations..
Ted never says she isnt going to be a mother. He just says she is never alone. That keeps it wide open.
I really really enjoyed this episode.
The beginning threw me off, but I knew that C&B don’t give details out that easy. To say that Barney was the father in the first minute had me second guessing. But there is something to say about the fact that Robin secretly wished Barney was (the way I see it).
There is no need to doubt that Robin won’t ever have children of her own.My husband is adopted, and the greatest thing about him is that his adoptive parents really are his own. There was a time where his biological mother tried to contact him and he wanted no part. Am I wrong, or did Ted say in a previous episode that Robin has kids?? This part of the story is not over for Barney and Robin. I know that they are still friends in the future… They may not have biological children, but you can never discard the idea that they would do the same as Barney’s brother James and adopt! On the flip side, this may be the end for them. Who knows at this point!!!
I really appreciate how the season is turning out with realistic details. I have actually been in the situation where I’ve danced with my husband on not being pregnant. Though, I can see myself reacting the same way as Robin if I found out I never could conceive. It would be devastating.
Highlight for me…the AC/DC reminded me of that youtube video with the awesome guitar hero house at Christmas time.
Does Ted say Robin was never “alone” or never a “mom”???
alone. So I guess she gets married…or maybe adopts.
Why are you so convinced that Robin won´t be a mother at all? HIMYM is well know for its twists and turns. There are cases that women become pregnant which were told not be able to become it…and maybe dr. “just a little bit” has had “just a little bit” to much vodka before making the diagnose.
I´m pretty sure that Robin will be a mother at some point in the future and i´m pretty sure as well that barney will be the father of the kids.
But i´m really glad that Robin isn´t pregnant right now. As somebody told us last week. “too much pregnancy at the moment”. i miss the party gang which discuss the crazy things that happened the night before…
I loved the LeBron James joke…absolutely hilarious
Im thinking about BR might finally adopt children…
When the kids disappeared I cried a little….just so sad. My life is way different than anyone on HIMYM but I like how the characters are very humanly written. I feel like I can relate to each of them. I keep bad news to myself like Robin, I go over the top to make someone feel special like Ted, I’m a little bit of a hayseed like Marshall and exact my own little form of justice like Lily (not this episode). Anywho… love this episode. Good balance of whimsy and seriousness, reality and fantasy.
I don’t know what to think as far as the future is concerned. The Ted/Robin boat has clearly sailed but the friendship is very strong. Robin + Barney? Don’t know anymore.
I’m happy we’re seeing more of Robin this season. No episode at all next week so I have to wait 2 weeks to see where this is going.
Okay! Just finished wathcing the episode! AND IT WAS GREAT. Basically, Barney isnt the father. Robin can never get prenant. All that was an illusion to her. But Ted was there to cheer her up! Hes awesome! I dont why he cant find the girl of his dreams yet, Anyways. OKay. So this episode was basically focused on Robin. At first she didnt want a baby. And when she did, she couldnt. It was sad but like Ted said, she was awesome later on in life. And now the question is, Who’s Barney getting married too?
When Scott ate the sandwich, was that a sandwich, or a “sandwich”?
having marshalls view in mind i would say it was a “sandwich” 😉
I loved the beginning with Robin telling the story to the kids. I almost freaked out.
But at the end Ted also said that Robin never became a pole vaulter. I can’t imagine he actually meant pole vaulting by saying that.
What a sad Episode. Always was hoping that Robin would change her mind about having a child. At the end though, didn’t allude to the fact that she can’t have a child 100%, only that she won’t be a pole Volter. I’m hoping that is what Ted truelly meant. Hoping for another twist!
Yes, technically Robin can still adopt, but it doesn’t sound like she will. When Ted summarizes what Robin did with her life, he said it as though she did things she wouldn’t have been able to do if she had children. Just how I read into it at least. Plus the way Robin’s narration says that her children aren’t real, it made it seem as though she never has children, adopted or not. She will never be alone though, I’m sure she gets married, plus she will always have Ted/Lily/Marshall/Barney.
I think that it is clearly hinted that robin never has kids(neither adopted nor her own) as she says “I’m glad you aren’t real” to her imaginary kids
I still think that there is a slight possibility that barney still marries robin, putting her ahead of kids
I think that it is clearly hinted that robin “tells” the story when she is sitting on the bench. Because she repeats “really glad” what she “told” before in her imagination.
But another point could strength your position. Old Ted is saying at the end of the story: Your aunt Robin never became a pole vaulter. At first I thougt he meant hit literally. Just a funny fact. But in the meantime i think i switched and think that there is second meaning: Robin became never a mother…
Great Episode!
I love how they showed that kid eating a “sandwich” in Marshall and Lilly’s house.
I would have liked a reason why Kevin was not shown or mentioned (unless I missed something)
At first I thought it would have been more realistic if Ted was driving home to Ohio rather than losing money because he bought a plane ticket that Robyn didn’t use. Upon further thought, I guess what he did was more true to his character. I also couldn’t help but this is why he’s still single; he’s too nice!
Not too many commentaries of Barney & Robin fans here. I’m afraid we realize that this might finally be the end for them. Barney wants kids and Robin knows it. Would she marry him anyway? I also think the pole vaulting is a metaphor. In a previous season future ted says that she lived in Argentina (check), Tokyo (check) and Paris… She has not been there yet. And all the things he says in this episode she is going to do, can you do that as a mom while your family stays home? I would have loved them together though.
This episode made me a little sad because for some reason I had a feeling that this meant Barney and Robin were never going to happen. But read Barney’s blog (which is awesome btw) and you can see how much his character is still in love with her. I think Robin is who Barney marries, but now I’m not necessarily sure whether or not they will last (episodes like the meatball sub where robin and barney don’t have rings, etc). Maybe not having kids pulls them apart?
I also don’t think Robin travelling means she can’t ever adopt. She might now have kids, but she might adopt one. It also doesn’t mean she can’t adopt when she is older and has travelled and done all of those things (adopt an older kid). The pole vaulter line is definitely a metaphor, but it could be her never “having” kids, not her never being a mother. Big difference.
Loved this episode, it totally took me by surprise, but I’m glad it ended up that way. I didn’t want to deal with Lily and Robin being pregnant! And I love the storyline with Marshall.
Come on, it’s Barnman and Ro-Ro. Check the Barney’s Blog. He clearly loves Robin.
Man, such a great episode !
the show has been hinting at the two of them getting back together for so long, there’s no way they aren’t ending up together. just because they already tried this season and failed doesn’t mean that’s it for them, that’s just how long-awaited reunions work. you don’t have to disagree, just wait and see by the end of the season
also remember, barney admitted in this episode he changed his mind about kids as well
I hope someone reads this comment after all this while. There’s no section in this blog for season 2 so I’ll just ask it here. In the episode “Slap Bet”, Barney thinks that Robin hates malls because she did porn…wait for it…ography. But can someone please tell me what porn has to do with malls?
The only way Robin would be the mother, is if the kids have another Aunt Robin in their life. Narrator Ted always calls Robin, Aunt Robin when talking to the kids.
Yeah that was definitely a “sandwich” haha
You have to read carefully, bro!
It´s totally clear in my view too, that robin isn´t THE mother of teds kids. but my post was about the question if robin will be A mother someday…
It’s called good scriptwriting and drama.
Grow up. It made the show so much better, and they’ve been doing this all the time.