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Good Episode. While I hate not seeing Lily, the reference to her help. I’m really glad they didn’t go down the “Robin’s pregnant” road like they were playing out on the promo video. Anyways, onto what I thought.
While I wasn’t for sure who he was running into, I could have almost guessed. I know a lot of fans had hoped it would be Victoria but no cigar. I still hope they bring back Victoria at some point, I never felt like they truly resolved that relationship well. The segways into why Ted went that way were played well. The call backs were so very funny. And while we say the mysterious yellow umbrella that makes it’s appearance on the cover of the How I Met Your Mother Season 4 DVD, was a constant, I have a feeling that it’s not leading the direction we think. Think about it, Stella’s appearance could have a few meaning but I think the main options are 1) she is the mother and it’s her umbrella 2) she says something to Ted that helps him along his way to finding the mother and it’s not her umbrella. Well Stella is not the mom. Despite Sarah Chalk having more time with the most likely end of Scrubs, I think enough evidence has been given to back me up, including words from Ted’s own mouth. So that leads me to believe that the Stella encounter will play a part in Ted meeting his future wife (yes, I know there are other theories but I’m writing here). And to add even more, I loved the homeless guy with the headphones coming out of an orange. =)
Also the re-return provided even more ammunition for a Robin/Barney relationship that should be dealt with in the Season finale. It also provides a great explanation for a final change like the one we have been seeing this season in Barney. I also assume that his date with Petra didn’t go so well.
Lots of possibilities I suppose. What did everyone else think? About the possibilities or the episode?
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–Glad Girls by Guided by Voices (what Ted would have done. Lots of Hugs)
Legendary Lines:
Robin: Someone already put it on youtube?
Barney: Yea… Someone
Ted: Of course she’s the one! You have to marry those, I mean her.
Barney: Marshall, knowing how important this is to me do you think Lily would even consider, I’d do all the work…
Marshall: I will end your life.
Robin: Looking over the names in this list I’m not sensing a lot of ethnic diversity
Ted: You should be proud. You should be tested, but you should be proud.
Barney: The highest of fives
Marshall: Don’t get me wrong, you’re disgusting and a cop should probably clamp a boot on your genitals.
Moments of Awesomeness:
- call back to Marshall’s fish comedy from Old King Clancy.
- Ribtown… I wonder if Ted was wearing his red cowboy boots then too.
- Robin’s I’m preggers joke… not funny, but funny. Ted’s reaction was classic but Barney’s reaction was even better.
- Anyone notice that Barney’s 200th was benching about 345lbs?
- Bro’s Life Magazine? Another HIMYM venture like the Bro Code?
- Barney’s rate of success. 1%. Marshall’s charts were hilarious. The callback to the interventions was great too. By the way, I may be forgetful but who is Cecilia?
- Loved the side characters this week: Goulashes the weather clown. Mill the homeless guy.
- Marshall’s charts were amazing. Ranking of Presidents (by how dirty their name sounds)… the intervention was excellent, he was prepared though and even made a chart.
- Lady from Scrubs as the chart girl!
- I was quite happy to see the yellow umbrella.
- Ted’s hugging daydream reminded me of the DMB video for Everyday. IT was great. Anyone take a good look at all the people he hugged?
The Re-Return:
Barney sits down with Matthew Panning his elementary school challenger.
Matt: I didn’t have a pet Ewok either
Barney: Sure you didn’t .
After the conversation. Barney reflects on what to do after 200… enter Robin (more season finale build-up)
Cecilia –
HIMYM s4e22 – Right Place Right Time. The “Cecilia” diagram is a funny reference to the Simon and Garfunkel song, “Cecilia” (Lyrics – “Celia, you’re breaking my heart/Youre shaking my confidence daily.)
Stella mentioned, while Ted was removing his butterfly tattoo, that she went to a St. Patrick’s Day party which was likely the one Ted went to. Maybe the mother is Stella (I would be more than glad if she was the mother), but likely Stella had company, who owns the umbrella, who is the mother. 🙂
Dan Castellaneta as the bum was odd.
Hope to see Kit Pongetti aka Lady from Scrubs has the copy girl again.
Didnt Stella look ill.
Dont you get it? Homeless guy –> Orange = Apple –>iPod =)
“Who is Cecilia?” You’re kidding, right? You have links to all of these music references on HIMYM and you can’t remember one of the most popular songs from one of the most popular musicians in the late half of the 20th century? That’s like saying, “Umm, what ever happened to that lead singer from that Teen Spirit band, you know the one where the kids are jumping around that gym in the video, Bert Lomein or something like that?”
Aman is righty, i couldn’t stop laughing when i saw the orange… 😀
and it was all clear said. the umrealla belongs to ted’s future wife. the end with stelle has nothing to do with the umbrella.
yea…sorry, I missed the Simon and Garfunkel reference…it’s seems obvious looking back. However, despite my love for music, I can’t name a single S&G song (other than Cecilia now), just not a fan. @Jrod…very funny.
Aman, the humor was not lost. I just didn’t talk about the reference. Btw, I actually plugged my ipod headphones into an apple today to see if anyone would notice.
@Lexy… I was pretty sure Ted closed the door on Stella earlier this season. Shelter Island I think.
There is NO way Stella is the mother. I can’t believe people can still consider it after she left Ted at the alter. There was even a flash-forward scene where future Ted explains what life would have been like if Stella was the mother (the scene w/ his two kids, now having blonde hair, and Stella saying something like “Is dad telling that story again?”
No way. Impossible!
Homeless guy is the man behind Homer Simpson’s voice!
Seriously though
I thought about this
Who doesn’t go to a St Paddy’s event
In New York?
Or anywhere else for that matter?
Good thought though
PS thought. Thought and though are weirdly similar ,’:-)
I don’t believe I found the music!