Anyone remember the last time we saw Stella? If I remember correctly it was in Season 4’s  As Fast As She Can. If you remember, in that episode there was mention of one of the very fine websites produced by the show for Tony’s movie called the wedding bride. Future Ted, did mention the phrase that HIMYM fans both love and hate to hear “more on that later.”

    Well, here is some more on that now.  Executive producer Craig Thomas told that we’ll get another big hint come May sweeps, when The Wedding Bride Tony’s movie about winning back Stella from Ted is released. Does that mean Sarah Chalke will be back? Craig was coy on the topic, but a source tells us you can slap-bet on it.

    So maybe we get more Sarah, maybe we get to see an actual movie? Either way we get good stuff. Do you think will see more from Stella & Tony?