Noticed a certain someone in the flashback. [Spoilers] - Imgur

Ok in the spirit of the fact I live tweeted during tonight’s episode. I’m going to share with you the tweets and then fill in some thoughts about them or direct you to other parts of the recap after the //

@bawesomeinstead Feed

Dear citizens, Jenn here – I’m live tweeting the show tonight. #SpoilerAlert // Pretty obvious, however this is my FIRST time twittering from the official BAI handle it was pretty exciting

Tonight’s episode is called “The Poker Game” // as I typed that I though of some immature Poke Her comment in the vein of Ted, Marshall or Barney, in fact @osumarko had that same though that he shared with me via twitter

Marshall could describe food to blind people without taste buds and still make them hungry // It made me think of Marshall and his quest for the Best Burger in New York. It also made @RyanSchwartz think the same thing since he tweeted that specific point

love the Marshall buzzed hair down the middle callback // The first thing I noticed was that it looked like Jason Segal was balding, but as I looked closer it DAWNED on me that it was his grown out reverse Mohawk from his wedding – post “cool guy tips”  – check it // Basic little site with some funny quotes and it names Barney as the CEbrO

Mama Stinson <3 // Even though Loretta was a druggie groupie ho back in the day, I can’t help but love her

I’m really bummed we didn’t get to see Marshall as Juno. I hope Ted was wearing his hanging chad costume under that trenchcoat on the roof. // Loved the callback to Halloweens of yesteryear, even if it was a Hallween party we never saw.

No hangin chad! OMG SLUTTY PUMPKIN SIGHTING!! // Did you see Katie Holmes. It was SO quick, but good God it was glorious what a tasty little nugget!

dropping heat…. number 2 teehee // I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old sometimes, but then again so do the writers

So many hidden and no so hidden gems this episode – blink and you may miss them // Again still reeling from the Slutty Pumpkin, PLUS it makes me wonder what else we may have missed already

how is it 8:17 already?! // This episode was flying by with great moments, however no real storyline progress

Can Lily, Ranjit and William Zapka be the new A- Team? // Great reveals, they just kept getting better and better. I want them to solve crime so bad!

Claudia looks gooooood // She has aged well, wonder why – aside from being a major bitch – Stuart either left her or is cheating on her. Maybe it was her sending topless pics to his brother.

Barney practically naked manned it // He horrifies Robin and then ends up naked under the blankets, classic

Ted really is a good best friend…well to Marshall, not really Barney since he’s still obsessing over Robin // Innnnnterestingly enough this tweet got the most variety responses via tweet and in some cases text. My friend Star said: “Ted is always a terrible friend to Barney especially with the Robin Stuff. I thought I was the only one who thought that about Ted.” @AnthonyDP11 said “In defense of Ted, Barney is a horrible human being lucky to have anybody in his life at all”

so while I have everyone’s attention –  WHAT IS WITH ALL THE PURPLE?! Barney’s suit, Lily’s outfit, the fact that Ted regularly wear it… // Seriously why are there not more theories on this? Shout out to my friend Landry who I’ve now gotten on the purple conspiracy bandwagon

Robin v Loretta // Not that I’ve have a MIL (mother in law) yet, but I know when the time comes to not screw with her because she can make your life hell

Oh a new “How they met story” although it’s a lie. But Robin Daggers much? // I’ve really enjoyed how this season we’ve been getting teaser’s for the next week’s episode


Legendary Lines

Ted: Maybe saying things like this is why I’m not married

Lily: Why didn’t you get the message to dress up like a pregnant teenager home skillet

Marshall: Requesting permission to make a stink

Daphne: (rolls down window) Hurry up and get it over with

James: Nothing attracts a gay guy faster than a wedding ring, except saying hi to him, or being in the same room, or every app on my phone. People it is a good time to be gay.

Loretta: That’s your brother out there. You two shared bunk beds and baseball mitts and when you were hungry these supple breasts…arguably a little too long

Ted: I drank so much coffee that year hoping you’d take the hint my resting pulse was like the drum solo from Wipe Out

Barney: But Robin lets me do sex to her


  • Gazzolas Pizza
  • Marshall’s hair travesty post wedding (always love the HIMYM attention to details)
  • Rooftop Halloween parties
  • Slutty Pumpkin!!
  • Friends Stuart and Claudia

Moments of Awesomeness

  • Ranjit the poker stud
  • Barney in the bathroom cheating with all the excessive cards up his sleeves
  • Ted and his origami fun facts
  • Lily giving Barney payback after this honeymoon for calling her fat around the hips
  • Also Barney’s post Belize tan and cornrows
  • Lily and Ted’s uuuuuuuhhhh – off
  • The Stinson Bluff
  • Barney going overboard telling off James and his Mom  (going overboard wasn’t awesome per say, but NPH redelivering it was)
  • Ted ordering Marshall Gazzolas pizza, complete with in transit delivery

New Jersey

  • James trying to convince Barney not to get married
  • Why was Ted not the hanging chad?!?!

The Re-Return

Robin and Loretta face off. Game, set, WAR!

Lingering Questions

Is one of Ted’s other wedding presents for Robin (and Barney) the Locket?

What is the cuse business between Ted and Marshall when arguing over giving/getting a wedding present?

Did anyone notice that little toy car that kid was playing with is STILL on the stairs at the top of the landing? Who is going to slip on it?

Was this filler episode satisfying because of all the callbacks or are you sick the storyline stalling?