Pre episode note for Say Cheese

I hope you are all as excited about tonight’s Episode of HIMYM as I am! I may be a little bit late getting the recap/discussion up because I’m currently in Oahu , Hawaii! Yesterday we did the “ultra tv geek thing” and went around to visit some...

International Suit Up Day – October 13, 2010

Thanks for visiting! While you are getting prepared to Suit Up take some time and browse the site! We talk HIMYM every week and would love to have you be apart of the community! Now SUIT UP! also…there is a more recent notice of suit up...

A Daughters Lament – HIMYM fan song

I love all the fan stuff that comes from HIMYM! I mean posters you know I”m crazy about (see: the awesomeness poster all you’ll ever want to know & my obsession with the Barney Stinson Poster Collection)… but there are other great things that fans create...

Who’s Not Your Daddy

Who loves t-shirts? They happen to be a favorite hobby of mine. Another thing I love are t-shirts I see on TV. Call it an affliction or some sort of weird people I will never meet form of peer pressure…hell, call it weak sales pitch resistance. One of my favorite...