It’s poll time again. This one is completely inspired by /r/HIMYM …if you haven’t been there yet visit soon.
Vote and by the season finale I’ll make an awesome pie graph to honor Marshall.
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It’s poll time again. This one is completely inspired by /r/HIMYM …if you haven’t been there yet visit soon.
Vote and by the season finale I’ll make an awesome pie graph to honor Marshall.
What does Barney do for a living?
Huh… can’t vote? What kind of poll is this?
The pineapple is, of course, the most pressing issue in the show’s history.
Hmm…That’s odd. I’ll check and see why Evan. Try back in a few.
I would try refreshing page or emptying your cache. If that doen’t work I’ll put in a vote for you manually!
Are you asking or just trying to vote twice? 😉
I was thinking more like who was the perfect woman from “Love Solutions” that Ted never met…is she also the mother?
which episode is the one where barney loses the bet and has to wear the ducky tie
thanks for your awesome site!what does barney do for a living???????