So we already know that people seem to love Barney Stinson’s motivational posters from How I Met Your Mother…but there is more to Barney than just that. Especially the catch phrases. Legen-dary, High Five, Say What, Please and True Story…but the one we associate best with Barney? Suit Up! ..well that or any of the many variations, like:
Snowsuit Up!
Birthday suiting Up!
Slut Up!
Spacesuit up!
You are suited in an unmistakably upward direction!
So other than a great suit what else do you need to show people that you are different from the millions of t-shirt and jeans lemmings out there. How about Suit Up poster. I’ve also decided to start adding a new motivational poster to the Be Awesome Instead Store at least every month. And this month is inspired entirely by Barney. I also felt this poster was so legendary that I needed a vertical and a horizontal version. For now I only have the large sizes but I plan to add more soon.
Get yours at the Be Awesome Instead Store and check back often for more updates and new poster’s and shirts.