October 13th Suit Up Day!

It’s October 13th and it’s gonna be Legen….. wait for it….. oh by the way, who’s suiting up today? If you are we want to know about it! Leave your suited up photos in the comments or tweet us @bawesomeinstead What else can you do for...

Neil Patrick Harris Gets Star On Walk Of Fame

Congrats to NPH who got a start on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Today… is it just me or is this an unintentional photobomb by Jason Segel? I love Segel in the back of this but it would have been hilarious to have Nathan Fillan photobomb the moment, intentional or...

What Ted Tells His Kids

Nothing new for the moment, but a wonderful friend of mine sent this. Enjoy… and reflect on how sad and true this is.

beawesomeinstead hearts WGNA

So because I’m a worthless slacker, I never told you all how my trip to New York courtesy of WGNA went. Furthermore, I won’t say much other than the people at WGNA are amazing! It was extremely cool that even I could feel like a celebrity for even a brief...

Ultimate HIMYM Fans Part 1

I get to hear cool stories all the time about how much people love How I Met Your Mother and I’ve known some pretty big How I Met Your Mother fans. But not long ago I was introduced to Mindy and Megan (@meganhurt on twitter), who have went to the extreme. While...