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Bass Player Wanted- Season 9, Episode 12

Please accept this recap from the fantastic staff Sandra Gonzales instead of one from Aaron, Star, or myself. Tis the season to be busy unfortunately. My one comment I will make about the episode was I loved seeing the Mother in her driving gloves (and her...

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The Rehearsal Dinner – Season 9, Episode 11

Star here, ready to recap the latest episode. If you haven't had a chance to read the comment on my preview post, please do. Phil made some great points about the season and this episode. On to the recap! We open with Barney handcuffed to a pipe in the security office...

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Preview: The Rehearsal Dinner

Hi guys! It's Star again this week to recap The Rehearsal Dinner episode. I'm off now to host a Hot Chocolate Bar for my neighbors, but will be back with the recap this evening. Until then, I thought I'd get your input on some of my feelings about this season so far....

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Mom and Dad – Season 9, Episode 10

Jenn back in the driver's seat tonight.  Glad to see so many of you enjoyed my friend George's episode last week! A great replacement minister for Barney and Robin’s wedding is James’s dad Sam aka Reverend Gibbs. Barney Dad, Jerry and his wife also arrive at the...

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Platonish – Season 9, Episode 9

Hello! I'm Star, friend of Jenn, and HIMYM enthusiast! Let's get into the episode: First, it was nice to see Robin behaving like a normal human being and having an authentic reaction to her mom not being able to come to the wedding. I honestly thought they wouldn't...

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Preview Episode 9: Platonish

Jenn here to let you all know that this week's episode is guaranteed to be PHENOMENAL. How can I guarantee this you ask? My college friend George Sloan is the lead writer for this week's episode. George was the lead writer for Weekend at Barney's last season and...

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