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Finale Theories

Last night I had a great facebook chat (or chatbook as a former student of mine used to call it) with a fellow HIMYM addict, Lindsay, and I really like her theory: Lindsay: Got any theories for the finale? Me: Tons! M: Mother dies and Ted marries Robin years later M:...

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Daisy – Season 9, Episode 19

Robin's mom arrives 4 hours before the wedding, despite her fear of flying. While catching up Robin's mom wants to know about Barney. She then shares about her own marriage and warning signs, although many of which could easily relate to Barney. Robin and Lily seem...

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Vesuvius – Season 9, Episode 18

2024 Older Ted and Mother – flashforward and flashback all in one episode. What a lovely treat to hear Ted reminiscing  and sharing stories with Mother. However Mother knows all of Ted’s stories. Mother tries to out Ted-Ted, but they both know each other’s stories so...

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Rally – Season 9, Episode 17

It's the beginning of the end, for real this time. Jenn here to usher you through this anguish. Tonight’s episode was based around the concept of rallying after a hangover, just one of many stories that Future Ted overshares with. We open with New Years Eve 2021 – Ted...

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The Color Theory

For a long time I've been obsessing over the use of purple in HIMYM. well turns out there is a whole Color Theory conspiracy. Here is little diagram, but it's very interesting. Also there was some reference to Barney the Purple Dinosaur which is amusing.    ...

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Sunrise – Season 9, Episode 16

Ted and Robin are out searching for Barney at the beach. While calming Robin's nerves about Barney possibly bailing on the wedding, he brings up Stella. This leads to Robin asking about Stella and other ex-girlfriend's of Teds, including his top 5 best and worse...

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